In late January members of Grimes Chamber & Economic Development will gather at their Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony. As a growing organization in a community that is flourishing, it is an opportunity to reflect on recent successes and honor businesses, organizations, and individuals who represent some of the best among us.
At the event, attendees will gather in a formal setting to celebrate a truly wonderful community. We will honor those who put in work throughout the course of the year to ensure that Grimes Chamber & Economic Development can continue to be a driving force for a vibrant local economy and a valuable investment to more than three hundred local businesses and organizations. A Business of the Year will be named, the Citizen of the Year will be recognized, and an Educator of the Year will be honored. The award winners will join a long list of community champions that have helped Grimes evolve to where we are today.
If you are a regular reader of this article, you will know that we are proud of the community and the members we serve, but you’ll also note that we are extremely bullish on the future of Grimes. We anticipate that Grimes will continue to grow and prosper; an inevitability that should be celebrated. After all, the community is growing because it is the type of place that people want to live…to be near great businesses, caring people, and excellent school districts.
We know that for some the growth of the community makes some uncomfortable. We cherish the “small town” feel that has attracted so many citizens to the area and don’t want to lose that important element. However, we believe that with proper planning and investments in quality of life amenities, Grimes will continue to be a great place to live, raise a family, have a career, and live an impressive and fulfilling life. It is a concept that is called “placemaking”.
Placemaking takes into account the many assets of a community, what people value, and builds upon that base to help reach an even greater potential. To be successful, it requires community-based participation. Citizens, local business interests, and community leaders need to be willing to engage in respectful dialogue in order to build consensus on the future direction of the community.
As we embark on a new year, we challenge you to educate yourself about your community by becoming actively engaged. Talk to your neighbors, local business owners, elected officials, etc. Attend a public meeting and/or be a part of a local event. Just get involved. By doing so, you can play a greater role in a wonderful story; the story of Grimes, Iowa. Appreciate the now and relish the future of our community.
- Brian Buethe, President | CEO, Grimes Chamber & Economic Development